Background checks
As required by Little League, Inc. and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Melrose Little League (“MLL”) runs CORI and JDP background checks on all volunteers, including board members, managers, coaches, umpires, administrative volunteers, and anyone who helps out in even an informal manner. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please take a few minutes to complete the simple background check process detailed below.
Your personal information is held in strict confidence and any negative background check findings which could disqualify you as a volunteer will be discussed privately between you and the MLL Safety Director to determine the appropriate course of action before any discussions within MLL are held to determine suitability as a volunteer. If you do not hear back after submitting your background check, you are clear to volunteer. If you have any questions, concerns or difficulties with the process, email the MLL Safety Director.
Required Abuse Awareness Training
Beginning in 2024, Abuse Awareness Training is an annual Little League Requirement. The (~20 minute) training must be completed before any individual can assume any duties for the current season, including District Administrators and Assistant District Administrators.